Hi everyone, welcome to PTBooker and our blog for news and latest developments.
I’d like to start with a short story on how PTBooker came to be and why we exist, I hope you enjoy reading.
Feel free to contact us for any content you would like to see.
Here goes…….
There I was, on a treadmill, in a random hotel gym trying to keep myself ticking over whilst away on a business trip; I was training for an event in the coming weeks. This was the second or third time I had visited the hotel gym that week and, whilst it was a suitably well-equipped gym, it was also the third or fourth business trip of the year. The days were now getting shorter which meant more gym time. But oh boy, it was getting tedious!
The thought occurred to me, I can get a personal trainer at home and they can write me a programme to tied me over for a few days whilst away, I could try that. I went further to think:
“Wouldn’t it be great if I could find a PT locally who could motivate me whilst away from home in my fitness journey?”
I also thought how this concept could mobilise PTs who could now meet clients anywhere (face to face or online); clients can search for trainers like an Uber or an Airbnb.
And that’s pretty much how PTBooker came to be, the idea has and will develop further of course, we’re always looking to improve. Let us know what you need as a PT or as a fitness enthusiast and we’ll see how we can incorporate your needs to the platform.
Happy training everyone, keep safe.
CEO & Founder
You're all very welcome to join PTBooker, be it as a PT or client. It's free!